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10 Must-Do's During a Job Interview - For Candidates


1. Understand the Job Description and Requirements

One of the most important things when you’re looking for a job is to know the specifics. Usually companies provide a set of skills for the position available. It is essential to see if we are able to provide what is needed regarding documents, knowledge and personality. Remember, the skills will get you the job but your personality will allow you to keep the job.

2. Search for Company’s Website or Social Media

Most of the time, we go to different interviews based on a job description or job title. It definitely helps to know a little bit more about the company and their vision, mission and how you would be able to fit those standards and values.

3. Dress Accordingly

Now that you have done your research about the company, it’s time to apply. What is their dress code? Most companies depending on the field and focus vary between formal and casual; when in doubt, go business casual.

4. Update your Resume

There are a lot of things we need to do in order to be prepared during a job interview, especially when it comes to documentation; never forget your resume. It is really important to have accurate information about your Work Experience, Educational Background, Skills/Tools, Awards, Specific Accomplishments, References, in both English and Spanish. It shows your level of commitment and professionalism. If you’re looking to spice it up, Canva is a free and easy tool to give any resume a makeover, adding your CV to your LinkedIn account is even better.

5. Company Location

It is essential to know where the place is beforehand; whether we use public transportation or we are driving in – no one wants to be rushing minutes before their interview. If public transportation is needed, look for routes that can easily get you to your location and time yourself to know how long it will take on an average work day. On the other hand, if we have our own transportation, we also have to take into consideration any possible parking fees (especially when in the city) and prepare for any expected an unexpected traffic. The goal is to show that you are responsible and perfect for the job.

6. Be Open

Every job interview is different. An interviewer's goal is to assess different skills based on communication and how long you plan to stay with the company. Nervousness can affect our interactions, so it is very important to be honest and talk about our experiences with accurate details and proactively offer information regarding any foreseen plans such as schedules, and responsibilities that could affect your role and overall experience with the company. Another detail that may be overlooked by candidates is not over practicing or rehearsing, sounding scripted is never a good thing.

7. Pay Attention and Actively Listening

The objective of an application is to have a written profile of each candidate. Sometimes these forms have specific details which test our ability to pay attention or follow instructions. Therefore, try to identify what kind of information the interviewer is requesting, so there is no second guessing when it comes to your communication, and comprehension skills and if your not sure, ask. This will make your first day run smoothly.

8. Show Interest

There are multiple ways to show commitment during interviews like being punctual, showing up with complete paperwork, and being willing to learn. The industry requires flexibility and you never know where your next opportunity will come from.

9. Eat On Time

Believe it or not, eating is an important fact when it comes to an interview. Our nerves can affect how we react or conduct ourselves. It is recommended to not to skip a meal before an interview, this will aid in preventing anxiety. The interview day can be a bit long, especially when it is going well, so pack a quick snack like crackers, cookies, nuts or chocolate to eat between interviews.

10. Every process is unique

Every profile has its own requirements. It varies from company to company. Waiting timeframes from one test or interview to another could be different from processes in other job applications. Try to be patient and show respect for everyone’s time. If you can’t make an interview, call beforehand and when during the interview, make sure your phone is on vibrate.

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